How to get AMAZING confetti shots!

Wedding confetti at Harrogate registry office

Confetti shot In Harrogate, Taken by Mark Hooper Photography

One of my favourite parts of any wedding day to photograph is definitely the throwing of confetti!

This is usually one of the first things you do together as a newly married couple, and when your family and friends try to cover you in confetti, it never fails to get everyone smiling, laughing and excited to start the party with you both!

In my experience, good confetti shots are some of the most treasured in your final gallery too, and often one of the photographs chosen for framing and featuring at home. One question I therefore get asked a lot is how, together with my couples, we can ensure the BEST possible confetti shots.

So I have a few top tips that I thought I would share…

Wedding confetti at St Roberts Church, Pannal

Wedding Confetti Photograph taken by Mark Hooper Photography

Bring LOADS of confetti

This might sound obvious, but when choosing the confetti you plan to supply your guests with, make sure that you have enough for everyone! In fact, it really is the case of ‘the more, the better’ with confetti. If you are in any doubt, buy more and you will get your reward with some beautiful shots with LOADS of confetti in the air – perfect!

Walk Slow!! I mean reaaaaaalllly slow!

OK, this is a big one. If your confetti shot involves walking through a tunnel created by your guests, try to walk as slowly as possible. The temptation is to walk at normal speed through the tunnel, and as a result you fly through the confetti leaving minimal time for your photographer to shoot the scene! Additionally, you often find that many of your guests hadn’t quite got themselves ready and are left with handfuls of confetti they don’t know what to do with!


So my biggest piece of advice here (and possibly the most important of all from this blog) is to walk at roughly half the pace you instinctively would normally do. This should result in a better set of photographs (and often a wider range of photographs) from this special moment.  

Choose large confetti petals

In a similar theme to the first point, confetti comes in all different shapes and sizes, but my recommendation is to invest in some nice big confetti petals. Larger confetti pieces look SO MUCH better in photographs, creating real impact on your final images.


I will be asking your guests to throw their confetti high above you (rather than straight at you) and this will result in a beautiful confetti-filled scene!


Be sustainable and choose biodegradable

The vast majority of people will want to choose the most sustainable option for their confetti on the day. Therefore, I would recommend selecting a biodegradable paper option, as this reduces any impact we have on the local area. In fact, many venues make biodegradable confetti a prerequisite to any confetti throwing you wish to do on the day. You can find lots of options online at ‘Etsy’ or ‘Not on the High Street’.


You also have the option of choosing dried flower petals. If you want to go down this route, there are several companies and florists online that supply these.

Find the perfect location

The best confetti shots are not just the result of using great confetti, with people throwing the petals nice and high – they are also made, in part, by selecting the right location at your venue! The biggest piece of advice here is to talk to your photographer before the big day to discuss the options. It will depend a little on the venue, the time of day and whether there are any venue restrictions.


Where there is more freedom, we can find a perfect spot with just the right light to make the image perfect. Some venues have a specific spot they ask you to use for confetti, in which case that’s absolutely fine (and understandable) – just let your photographer know so they can help you plan the perfect shot!

Wedding confetti photography by Mark Hooper Photography

If you are looking for a relaxed & natural documentary-style photographer for your special day, then get in touch below - I’d love to hear from you!


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